
Comparing verb tenses between English and Portuguese

Those who studied English must ask themselves about the Verb tense parallel between English and Portuguese. In other words, how Portuguese verb tenses are encopresis by English tense verbs?

Here, we show a table comparing the English and Portuguese verb tenses. Note that while some tenses have a direct equivalent, there might be nuanced differences in usage and formation.

English Verb TensePortuguese Verb TenseExample in EnglishExample in Portuguese
Present SimplePresente do IndicativoI speak.Eu falo.
Present ContinuousPresente ContínuoI am speaking.Eu estou falando.
Present PerfectPretérito Perfeito Composto do IndicativoI have spoken.Eu tenho falado.
Present Perfect Continuous— (No direct equivalent)I have been speaking.
Past SimplePretérito Perfeito do IndicativoI spoke.Eu falei.
Past ContinuousPretérito Imperfeito ContínuoI was speaking.Eu estava falando.
Past PerfectMais-que-perfeito Composto do IndicativoI had spoken.Eu tinha falado.
Past Perfect Continuous— (No direct equivalent)I had been speaking.
Future SimpleFuturo do Presente do IndicativoI will speak.Eu falarei.
Future Continuous— (No direct equivalent)I will be speaking.
Future PerfectFuturo Perfeito do IndicativoI will have spoken.Eu terei falado.
Future Perfect Continuous— (No direct equivalent)I will have been speaking.
Conditional (Would)Condicional (Futuro do Pretérito)I would speak.Eu falaria.
Conditional Perfect (Would have)Condicional Composto (Futuro do Pretérito Composto)I would have spoken.Eu teria falado.

For the Subjunctive mood:

English Verb TensePortuguese Verb TenseExample in EnglishExample in Portuguese
Present SubjunctivePresente do SubjuntivoThat I speak.Que eu fale.
Past SubjunctivePretérito Imperfeito do SubjuntivoIf I spoke.Se eu falasse.
Future SubjunctiveFuturo do SubjuntivoWhen I speak.Quando eu falar.
Pretérito Perfeito Composto do SubjuntivoQue eu tenha falado.
Pretérito Mais-que-perfeito Composto do SubjuntivoSe eu tivesse falado.

It’s important to say the table doesn’t cover all nuanced cases, and sometimes, context might shift the way tenses are used. Portuguese grammar varies between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. The examples are based on Brazilian Portuguese, but the general tenses apply to both.

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