
FAQ 1 – Macroeconometric Forecasting with Eviews

Which of the following are valid ways to create a series? Select all that apply:

  • Select Object → New Object from the main menu and choose “Series.”
  • In the command window by issuing the “series” command.
  • Transforming an existing series in the command window using the generate (genr) command (to obtain first difference, log, etc.)
  • Transforming an existing series using EViews functions, such as Generate Series by Equation via the Quick menu.
  • Transforming an existing series using sample conditions (Quick → Generate Series, Generate Series by Equation), such as an IF condition.

All of the above are valid ways to create a series in EViews. The first two choices will create empty series with the same workfile structure as the other series on that pagefile. The last three options are ways to transform existing series using equations. They all involve performing an EViews operation on a series in your current workfile to create a new series. In particular, the last choice allows you to create a new (transformed) series with sample restrictions.

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