
FAQ 3 – Macroeconometric Forecasting with Eviews

After you double-click on a series, the series will open in the standard EView’s spreadsheet view. At the top of the window, you will notice the menu items associated with the series object, each one allowing you to perform specific analyses of the series.

Explore the different menu options in EViews and match the menu button with its associated command.

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The correct answers are:

Menu ButtonsCommands
Allows you to re-order your observations in the spreadsheet view by selecting either ascending or descending.Sort
Displays a drop-down menu which tells EViews the format of the data; shows the data in raw form. Note that you can change the way the data is displayed by choosing other options from the drop-down menu (differenced, % change, logs, etc.).Default
Creates a copy of the series and saves it in the workfile as a new frozen object.Freeze
A menu with a number of options allowing you to graph a series, compute various statistics, and perform a number of tests on a series; also allows you to label your data.View
Allows you to customize the format of a series, such as the number of decimals and the column width.Properties
Allows you to toggle between the full range of observations and the current sample.Smpl+/-
Arranges the data by the frequency of the series; for example, displaying quarterly data in four columns as opposed to one.Wide+/-
Allows you to change the name of the series and select a display name for labeling tables and graphs.Name

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