
Fifty most common adjectives in English

Hey there! Below is a list of adjectives people often use to describe things like people, places, and events. It was created based on the EF English Proficiency Index; the top 50 adjectives most commonly utilized in the English language are as follows:

  1. good
  2. big
  3. small
  4. hot
  5. cold
  6. expensive
  7. difficult
  8. easy
  9. new
  10. old
  11. happy
  12. sad
  13. beautiful
  14. ugly
  15. long
  16. short
  17. fast
  18. slow
  19. hard
  20. soft
  21. strong
  22. weak
  23. young
  24. old
  25. rich
  26. poor
  27. happy
  28. sad
  29. important
  30. unimportant
  31. interesting
  32. boring
  33. funny
  34. serious
  35. real
  36. fake
  37. true
  38. false
  39. big
  40. small
  41. heavy
  42. light
  43. near
  44. far
  45. up
  46. down
  47. in
  48. out
  49. on
  50. off

This list is compiled from over 1 billion words and includes adjectives used in many situations.

What are adjectives?

Adjectives are super helpful because they help describe nouns or pronouns. They can tell us about a noun’s size, shape, color, weight, age, or other attributes. They can even help us specify a particular item within a group or indicate quantity.

Grammatically, adjectives can be used in a variety of ways. They can be used attributively, which means they come before the noun they describe. For example, “The big dog ran across the field.” Adjectives can also be used predicatively, which means they come after the noun they describe. For example, “The dog was big.”

Adjectives can also be used to form comparative and superlative forms. Comparative adjectives compare two things, and superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more things. For example, “The bigger dog ran faster than the smaller dog.”

Here are some examples of how adjectives are used in grammatical sentences:

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  • Attributive: The red ball rolled down the hill.
  • Predicative: The ball was red.
  • Comparative: The bigger dog is faster than the smaller dog.
  • Superlative: The biggest dog in the litter is the fastest.

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