
“It’s been accepted.” Is this expression grammatically correct? Why?

Yes, the expression “it’s been accepted” is grammatically correct.

“It’s” is a contraction of “it has” or “it is,” and “been” is the past participle form of the verb “be.” The construction “it has been” indicates that something has occurred or happened in the past and is still relevant in the present.

In this case, “accepted” is the past participle form of the verb “accept,” and it functions as an adjective modifying the pronoun “it.” So, “it’s been accepted” means that something (referred to as “it”) has undergone the action of being accepted in the past, and it remains in the accepted state at the present moment.

Here’s an example of how the expression can be used in a sentence: “I submitted my application, and I just received the email confirming that it’s been accepted.”

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